Steroide Forum | How Long Does It Take to Get a Lip Tattoo? Complete Guide to Procedure & Healing

How Long Does It Take to Get a Lip Tattoo? Complete Guide to Procedure & Healing

Getting a lip tattoo Brisbane can be a quick procedure, typically ranging from 30 to 60 minutes. However, the complete process involves preparation, the tattooing itself, and aftercare advice. This intriguing form of body art has recently gained popularity, spurred by its appearances in film and television. Understanding the complete process from start to finish is essential for anyone considering this unique procedure. Films like “Suicide Squad” which features the character Harley Quinn with a distinctive tattoo on her cheek, have piqued public interest. As a result, more people are exploring the world of lip tattoos.

Introduction to Lip Tattoos

Lip Tinting Services in Brisbane

Lip tattoos have gradually made their way into mainstream culture, largely through their portrayal in films and series. One notable example is the character Harley Quinn from the movie “”Suicide Squad,”” who sports the word “”ROTTEN”” tattooed on her cheek. This iconic look has influenced many to explore similar lip tattoos, contributing to their growing popularity. As more characters in pop culture adopt unique tattoos, the allure of lip tattoos continues to rise. This fascination is not just a fad but a reflection of evolving aesthetic preferences.

What is a Lip Tattoo?

A lip tattoo is a form of semi-permanent tattooing typically done on the inner side of your lip. Unlike traditional tattoos done on the skin, lip tattoos require special consideration due to the sensitivity and unique properties of the mucosal skin. These tattoos can be used for cosmetic purposes, such as defining the lip line, or for decorative reasons, like in the case of intricate designs. Because the inner lip is constantly exposed to moisture and friction, the longevity and appearance of the tattoo can differ significantly from traditional tattoos on the skin.

How Long Does the Procedure Take?

Permanent Lip Makeup in Brisbane

The procedure for a lip tattoo is quite efficient, but it involves several crucial steps. The entire process typically includes preparation, the actual tattooing, and aftercare advice:

  1. Preparation Time:
    This phase involves cleaning the area, discussing the design details, and possibly applying a numbing agent. It generally takes about 15-20 minutes.
  2. Tattooing Time:
    The actual tattooing process for a lip tattoo usually ranges from 15 to 30 minutes, depending on the complexity of the design.
  3. Aftercare Advice:
    Post-procedure, the tattoo artist will spend another 10-15 minutes advising you on how to care for your new lip tattoo.

Factors Affecting the Duration

Several factors can influence the total time it takes to get a lip tattoo:

  • Complexity of the Design:
    Simpler designs will take less time, whereas intricate and detailed ones will require more effort and precision.
  • Pain Management:
    The level of discomfort can vary; some people might need breaks during the procedure, which can extend the total time required.

Healing Time and Aftercare

The healing time for a lip tattoo consists of multiple phases. Initially, the healing might take about 3-5 days, during which time the area may appear swollen or tender. Complete healing can take between 1-2 weeks. During this period, the tattoo might fade slightly and scab over. It is essential to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your tattoo artist to ensure a smooth healing process. Neglecting aftercare can lead to complications or affect the final appearance of the tattoo.

Aftercare Tips

Proper aftercare is vital for the longevity and appearance of your lip tattoo. Here are some tips to help you through the healing process:

  • Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks:
    Steer clear of spicy foods, alcohol, and hot beverages, as these can irritate the tattoo.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene:
    Regularly rinse your mouth with a non-alcoholic, anti-bacterial mouthwash to keep the area clean.
  • Moisturize the Area:
    Use an approved lip balm or ointment to keep the area moisturized and reduce healing time.


The process of getting a lip tattoo is swift but requires careful consideration and aftercare. Inspired by pop culture icons like Harley Quinn from “”Suicide Squad,”” lip tattoos have emerged as a unique form of self-expression. However, understanding the time and care involved in both getting and maintaining a lip tattoo is crucial for a successful experience. Whether you are inspired by movie characters or simply looking to try something new, being well-informed will help you make the best decision for your body art journey.


1. How painful is it to get a lip tattoo?

Pain levels vary from person to person, but most people report a moderate level of discomfort due to the sensitivity of the inner lip.

2. Do lip tattoos fade quickly?

Yes, lip tattoos tend to fade faster than traditional tattoos because of the constant moisture and activity in the mouth.

3. Can I eat or drink immediately after getting a lip tattoo?

It’s advisable to wait a few hours before eating or drinking, especially avoiding hot, spicy, or acidic foods and beverages.

4. Are there any risks associated with lip tattoos?

Like any tattoo, there are risks of infection and allergic reactions. Selecting a professional and reputable tattoo artist minimizes these risks.

5. How much does a lip tattoo typically cost?

The cost can vary depending on the tattoo studio and the complexity of the design, but lip tattoos usually range from $50 to $150.